How to measure....

Adults & Puppies: (basics)

1. Body Length: base of neck (at shoulder) to base of tail.
2. Neck at the widest point (is usually just above the shoulders)
3. Around the chest, just behind the front legs.
4. Around the 'waist' just before the hind legs/thigh area.
5. Across the chest just below the neck (have your dog sit facing you, measure the widest point.)

Custom (for a more fitted coat- or for a heavy/long legged coat such as Jack Frost or Storm Arlecchino)

1. Length: Measure from the neck to the base of the tail (or where you would like the garment to stop along the back).
- Bottomline : Measure the distance between the back of the foreleg and the front of the hind leg.
2. Neck Measurement: Measure the circumference of the neck.
3. Girth /Chest: Measure from in back of front legs
- Height: Measure from the top of the shoulder to the floor.